I can hear the cry from the earth due to global warming

Sub-critical water

We can hear the Earth screaming due to global warming.

1. Rising temperatures, increasing sea levels, and disappearing glaciers
2. Frequent heavy rainfall, prolonged droughts, shrinking lakes, and drying streams
3. More typhoons, earlier springs, scorching summer days, and milder winters
4. Bleaching coral reefs, eroding coastlines, and sinking islands
5. Early-blooming flowers, declining animal habitats, and migratory birds losing their seasonal instincts


Why don't we all protect the global environment with the power of subcritical water?

1. Global warming is not a distant issue affecting some faraway country or an abstract concern for the future. It is a pressing problem right before our eyes.
2. To combat this crisis, we have developed an industrial product that helps mitigate global warming and improve the environment: the MRM® Subcritical Water Reaction Device -M Recycling Machine.
3. With the MRM® subcritical water reactor , environmental pollutants can be decomposed and rendered harmless.

Subcritical water reactors are essential products designed to safeguard our irreplaceable Earth.

1. Our planet was formed 4.6 billion years ago.
2. Our planet is giving birth to life and fostering evolution in its blue oceans and green lands.
3. However, human activities are endangering this precious world.
4. We created the MRM® subcritical water reactor to protect the Earth and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.


Developed industrial products that contribute to global warming

''-MRM® sub-critical water reactor "M Recycling Machine"

''-"Organic waste treatment equipment and liquid separation and recovery method"

English_G8List of patents


Currently, we have patents on sub-critical water reactors in Japan, the United States, European countries, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia, and India. However, unfortunately, there are quite a few vendors who ignore the existence of our patents and claim that they have applied for a patent and try to sell poor quality copy products. Since such an act is a patent infringement, we will resort to decisive legal means as an illegal act.
As mentioned above, I would like to note here.

Announcement of victory

Clarification of the case: 2018 (Gyo-ke) No. 10108 Dissatisfaction 2016-15650 (Special application 2014-508992)
Case of request for cancellation of trial decision against
Plaintiff: G-8 International Trading Co., Ltd.

In the case of the Intellectual Property High Court, where we are the plaintiff, the plaintiff's winning decision was handed down on October 2, 1945, and was finalized on October 17, 1945. ..
Therefore, Japanese Patent Application No. 2014-508992 (invention of containment of heavy metals in organic waste by tovamorite by MRM sub-critical water treatment) pertaining to dissatisfaction 2016-15650 (judgment against decision of refusal) has become a patent. I will announce that.

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